Freitag, 8. April 2011

Exzerpt unseres Glückes!

Email von einer Bekannten aus dem Comox-Valley die wir beim Pokerspielen kennengelernt haben(~45 Jahre):

Hello Sebastian and Matthias,
I would like to invite you to a dinner at my house when you can come. I can’t do it Mon, Tues or Thurs so let me know. I hope your last few weeks here are fantastic. I will see you Wed at poker if not before. I also want to make sure you see some nice spots here. There are so many beautiful places that you may have been working too hard to find.
Where have you been around here? What sites have you seen? 

Cheers, Sandy

Hi Sebastian and Matthias,
Sat sounds great! Would you like an Albertian steak or my favourite Salmon recipe? I will try to get a poker game going too. I live at 248 Stafford Avenue in Courtney. You can get there off Dingwall Rd or McLaughlin Avenue Call me if you have trouble finding it. If you come straight down from the mountain, I have a hot tub you can soak in and enjoy the view of the valley. You can shower here for dinner. No rush. I’ll plan on 6:30 ish.
Let me know your choice of dinner. I’d love to spoil you.

Cheers, Sandy

Achso, wir haben uns für das Albertasteak entschieden :

- das Steak war das beste was wir je gegessen haben
- Platzierung Poker: 1. Platz(Matthias = 100$) 2. Platz(Sebastian = 40$)
- unvergesslicher Abend und tausend Dank an Sandy unsere Gastgeberin!!!


1 Kommentar:

  1. Klingt ein bisschen komisch - hoffentlich ist das Bad nicht zu heiss?
